Tag Archives: moocs pakistan

Future Challenges: MOOCs and their impact on Pakistan’s traditional education system

Future Challenges: MOOCs and their impact on Pakistan’s traditional education system

Originally published at Future Challenges.

Future Challenges: MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and their impact on Pakistan’s traditional education system

Since the past few decades, technology has not only developed itself at an exponential rate, it is also revolutionizing other aspects of our life. Food, communication, health, businesses; many industries have gone through disruptive innovation because of technological advancement. Interestingly, tech didn’t take much long to revolutionize the education industry, that too at a major scale. With this massive recent influx of technology inside education, educators are worried if this trend would prove to be fatal to the traditional pre-determined learning track.

Will MOOCs promote education or worsen it?moocs pakistan

It hasn’t been too long since Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) started reaching out to us in the form of platforms likeCourseraedXUdacity and more. While MOOCs is relatively a newer concept, ICTs resources required in classrooms are at a rather smaller scale as online discussion forums, tutorials, lecture videos, and collaborative online projects substitute the traditional learning environment. It is not until recently, though, that the prestigious names of the educational world have joined the race and their offerings have attracted eyeballs worldwide. Enrollments in these free online courses are ballooning by thousands with each new offering.

Educationists worldwide are discussing if MOOCs will disrupt the way education has been since past many decades; having a strict Read the rest of this entry